Working Alongside Family After Brain Injury – Part 1

As a first step to working well alongside a family after brain injury, begin by imagining. Imagine the possible effects of a major life changing event (such as brain injury) on a family. On each family member. Think about each family member dealing with a range of different emotions, responses and reactions, at different stages for different lengths of time. Before we talk more about what happens after brain injury, here is a short clip that talks a bit about family after brain injury. Understanding Possible Reactions and Responses: Family After Brain Injury As supporters we can assist by being aware, and respectful of what individual family members may be experiencing. What are some of the many different responses and reactions you might see? Grief Each change and adjustment to a family member’s role or relationship can bring new feelings of grief. Family events (even happy ones) and traumatic news events can trigger grief and reminders of loss for instance birthdays, anniversaries,…

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