Discovering Mister Rogers

Years ago I discovered I am a happier being if I don’t watch or listen to the news. Events and news frequently filters through through despite my efforts. Sometimes as a balance to all the woeful news it is good to be reminded of the wonderful side of human beans. My reminder this week came when  I saw on an article on Atlas Obscura entitled “The Grave of Mister Rogers”.   It reminded me I had discovered some of the wonderful things Mister Rogers had said and saved it for an article ‘one day’.  This week seems a good time, and today is that ‘one day’. What’s all this got to do with brain injury.  Nothing specifically - yet a lot really. Many of the quotes I have read describe empathy, compassion, tolerance, acceptance, being non-judgemental.  All attributes which would serve us well - brain injury or not. Confession – until stumbling across the articles a few years ago I had not…


Brain Injury Resources Around The Web

I discovered these brain injury resources while trying to focus my attention on a review of Changed Lives New Journeys. Like an ageing house – blog bits are starting to look a bit shabby and not work so well. You start looking into fixing it only to find more and more seems to need doing. Eventually you think maybe a full renovation is best. In 2013 I built this blog with no prior experience - a good idea then but now I have absolutely no idea what I did!  Where do I start - ‘Break things down into manageable chunks.’ I recall often suggesting this as a strategy when a person has a brain injury to help plan and organise.  That made sense here too. And so I began … Step One was – Research - who else writes about your topic or area. What is your niche? I went off like Alice in Wonderland down all sorts of rabbit-holes finding all sorts of…

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Getting Through Stages of Change After Brain Injury

‘Tips for Getting Through the Stages of Change After Brain Injury”  –  this is another list I found in my archives. It is a single well worn sheet with ‘Bear in Mind presentation’ across the top.     Bear in Mind is now Brain Injury Matters  an organisation in Melbourne, Australia for and by people with brain injury.  "Brain Injury Matters Inc (BIM) facilitates self-advocacy and community education for people living with an  Acquired Brain Injury. BIM is currently organising events and improving this website to better deliver these services." See what you think about these tips - are they useful when managing change after brain injury?  Well not just the changes after brain injury, any major change really. Please add your comments below. This is the complete list - without me butting in to comment. I leave it to you to take on board what you might find useful:   Tips for Getting Through the Stages of Change After Brain Injury From…


Memory Strategies After Brain Injury

Today in the final of a series about Memory - a list of memory strategies after brain injury. A whole lot of ideas that might help begin to address memory loss after brain injury. You will need to work out which ones are likely to help. What works will change from person to person depending on the areas of memory affected.    I can make a big list of strategies look simple. I can make a big list look easy. The reality is hard work, patience and tweeking to make the strategy fit lifestyle and circumstances. The important thing is to find strategies that best address the particular areas of memory loss while using the least amount of energy. Think of it like a bank account with limited funds – you want to take care of the money (brain energy) that is available and use it for what you need most. The following memory strategies  use the broad strategy headings from last…

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Planning Successful Strategies for Memory Loss after Brain Injury

Tips and strategies for memory loss after brain injury often focus on use of a diary and other remembering aids. Today I want to begin with a broader range of strategies to think about. Today a range of broad strategies and thoughts about how to set up strategies that suit a person’s lifestyle and needs. Next week lists of more specific ways you might use these strategies. Types Of Memory Strategies Before beginning let me explain the focus of these strategies. There are two broad types of strategies for memory. Restoration looking at retraining memory. Compensation finds ways to work around memory problems. Restoration Restoration – improving and retraining memory. Commonly using repetition and memory recall techniques. Restoration / Memory Retraining may not be the best approach for a person with brain injury. I have not had extensive experience with memory retraining as a strategy for memory loss. The reading I have done suggests it is labour intensive and not hugely successful.  It…

Read more about the article Memory 104 – Changes to Memory After Brain Injury
Changes in Memory after Brain Injury.

Memory 104 – Changes to Memory After Brain Injury

  Today a brief overview about memory after brain injury. What can happen and what can impact on memory. When something goes wrong, it is often helpful to know how it works normally. So it is with memory. Understanding changes to memory after brain injury can be easier to understand if you have some knowledge about how memory is supposed to work: what is normal memory  what are the different stages and types of memory what parts of the brain are involved in memory strategies for memory loss   Memory After Brain Injury The following are key points from previous articles on how memory works followed by what can happen when the brain is damaged:  Memory function is our: Experience of the past. Adaptation to the present and planning for the future” (Rewriting the Script: Demonstrating Skills and Talents. (Workbook  documentary video and teaching program). Adelaide: ISLD Flinders University. (1999). After brain injury our past, present or future memory can be altered:…

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Memory 103 – Memory and the Brain

  Memory 103 Memory and the Brain - a brief look at the parts of the brain involved in memory. Last week in Memory 102 we focussed on the differences between short term and long term memory. A brief look at what memory is and how it works was covered in the first of the series Memory 101.   Why another anatomy and physiology lesson? Knowledge of memory and the brain helps expand understanding that: The part of the brain damaged will determine the physical and cognitive affects of brain injury. This includes memory. The parts of the brain thought to aid memory can help understand the kind of memory loss a person has after brain injury. Memory is not one thing. There is not one part of the brain labelled memory. Understanding a little of the anatomy can help to understand how memory functions and the complex and different types of memory. A bit of knowledge about memory and the brain along with…

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Read more about the article MEMORY 102: To Store or Not to Store – Short Term Memory to Long Term Memory
Long Term Memory 1969 Man Lands on the Moon

MEMORY 102: To Store or Not to Store – Short Term Memory to Long Term Memory

What turns a short term memory to long term memory ? What makes memory work better? How come I remember where I was when man walked on the moon but I can’t remember the name of the person I met briefly yesterday?   Today short term memory to long term memory follows on from the discussion in Memory 101 What is Memory  about three main stages of memory - 1) We take in and form (or forget) memories. 2. We store memories. For a short term or a long term. 3. We recall memories. And that is as simple as I can make a process where billions of cells are all tripping over each other to remember stuff! I am using the term ‘Stuff’ here – this is my very own technical term  to describe all the information, events, actions, tasks, senses and on and on – that our brain remembers. In the words of the song “Memories are made of this”.…

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MEMORY 101: What is Memory?

How do we remember the detail of our lives? What is memory? How do we know how to do stuff? How do we make memories? What happens to remembering after brain injury? Why can I remember some things and not others? So many questions and it all comes back to Memory. Difficulty with memory is one of the most common outcomes after brain injury. After brain injury the memory process can be interrupted in one or more places causing different kinds, and different levels, of memory loss. Understanding a bit about the mechanics of memory can help to understand the sometimes quirky forms of memory loss after brain injury. Understanding can help you not to personalise or lose patience.   As I finally began to write more about What is Memory. One article turned into a suite! Today is the first of the series - Memory 101. Why Memory 101 you may ask? I have noticed important sounding topics are often called “Something…

Read more about the article Behaviour – Brain Injury and Fundamental Attribution Error
Brain Injury and Fundamental Attribution Error - impressive party conversation!

Behaviour – Brain Injury and Fundamental Attribution Error

I remember during the lecture the presenter outlined the potential impact of brain injury and Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE). I remember the topic of the talk was challenging behaviour after brain injury. I remember the presenter was a Scottish guy who focussed on people with significant behaviour issues after brain injury. I remember while new to me, the theory made sense. So much so, I remember it still… And I remember thinking -  Fundamental Attribution Error (FAE) - that’s a topic sure to impress at a party! No not really. Today my  bumbling attempt to talk about the link between attribution theory and how behaviour after brain injury is responded to. We might all benefit from understanding more about it so help me out here. Sharing knowledge is always a good thing. I am no expert on all of this. What I aim to do is to share some stuff I have picked up. If you are an expert, or if you have some great resources about…